In 2017, we established our inaugural Stone Crushing Unit in Gova, Jagiroad, Assam, driven by the pressing demand for a well-organized Stone Crushing Industry. This initiative aimed to secure a steady supply of high-quality stone aggregate, addressing the escalating requirements arising from rapid development, infrastructure projects, and the construction boom in Assam.
In swift succession to our Gova Unit, we launched our second stone crushing endeavor in Pachim Nagaon, Jagiroad, Assam in 2018. This unit was equipped with a robust 2-Stage Jaw & Cone Crusher Machine boasting an impressive crushing capacity of 200 MT per hour.
Recognizing advancements in Crusher Technology over the past five years, Singh Brothers further upgraded to a new 2-Stage Modular Crushing & Screening Plant. This modern setup now boasts a crushing capacity of 300 MT per hour.
In this new Unit, we've integrated the latest automation technologies to operate with minimal manpower while maintaining high production efficiency.
In response to the growing demand for high-quality stone aggregate in Assam, and bolstered by our growing expertise and confidence, we expanded our operations under the Hills Trade Agencies umbrella. Singh Brothers established the third unit in Samaguri, Nagaon, in the year 2019-20.
Initially, this unit featured a 2-Stage Jaw & Cone Crusher Machine, capable of crushing 200 MT per hour. In 2021, we further enhanced our capacity by installing a new Jaw Crusher with a crushing capacity of 250 MT per hour. This addition significantly strengthened our unit's capabilities.
Our expert and dedicated team at the Malibasti Unit comprises over 40 employees who work tirelessly around the clock to ensure the uninterrupted production of high-quality stone aggregate.
Guided by our Founder, Shri Ranbir Singh Gandhi's philosophy of continuous progress, Singh Brothers established our fourth Stone Crushing Unit in Panimara, Karbi Anglong District. This unit incorporated state-of-the-art technologies to produce top-quality stone aggregate. Additionally, it generated employment opportunities for locals in the Karbi Anglong District, contributing significantly to the district's economy and the state's GDP
Hills Trade Agencies and Singh Brothers firmly believe in establishing a strong foundation for every ambitious endeavor. Before entering the Stone Aggregate industry, our first priority was securing a consistent supply of raw materials, specifically stone boulders. To meet this requirement, we acquired multiple captive mines through the Government of Assam's legal tendering process.
Currently, HTA & Singh Brothers oversee the operation of three captive stone quarries/mines in Jagiroad and three additional quarries/mines in Panimara, Karbi Anglong. We are also in the process of acquiring another mine in Karbi Anglong. These mines ensure a continuous supply of raw materials to our Stone Crushing Units, guaranteeing the production of high-quality stone aggregate for our clients.